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Piccole apostasie – Il Circolo dei lettori

mercoledì 16 settembre ore 18 presentazione del libro di e con Mario Cardano e Nicola Pannofino edito da il Mulino, con Luigi Berzano, docente di Sociologia dei processi culturali e comunicativi – Università di Torino, Stefania Palmisano, docente di Religioni nel mondo globalizzato – Università di Torino e Stefano Pitrelli, giornalista. Gli autori, attraverso lo studio di narrazioni online e interviste a ex membri, analizzano i processi di deconversione da quattro movimenti religiosi attivi in Italia, diversi per organizzazione e dottrine – Damanhur, Soka Gakkai, Testimoni di Geova e Scientology.

A pope beloved by many secular intellectuals is also passionate about miracles and relics

By Anthony Faiola / Stefano Pitrelli contributed to this report.

NAPLES, Italy — The faithful here are still talking about Pope Francis and the holy blood.

On an official trip to this ancient city in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius, Pope Francis entered the local cathedral to pray to Januarius, the patron saint of Naples. Januarius’s 1,700-year-old dried blood is known to “spontaneously liquefy,” a phenomenon seen by true believers as a miraculous sign from above. Those gathered watched anxiously as Francis prayed before, then kissed, the ornate silver-and-glass reliquary containing the coagulated clot.

And lo and behold, the dark stain dissolved.

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How climate-change doubters lost a papal fight

By Anthony Faiola and Chris Mooney / Mooney reported from Washington. Michelle Boorstein in Washington, Virgile Demoustier in Paris and Stefano Pitrelli in Rome contributed to this report.

Wearing a yellow raincoat, Pope Francis waves to the faithful as he arrives in Tacloban, Philippines, in January. (Wally Santana/AP)

It marked the latest blow for those seeking to stop the reform-minded train that has become Francis’s papacy. It is one that has reinvigorated liberal Catholics even as it has sowed the seeds of resentment and dissent inside and outside the Vatican’s ancient walls.

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis was about to take a major step backing the science behind ­human-driven global warming, and Philippe de Larminat was determined to change his mind.

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